Description: The St. Thomas More Boosters foster the physical development of the parish student-athlete in an environment governed by Catholic teaching and emphasizing sportsmanship, fair play, respect, discipline, and fellowship.
Organization: Elections are held annually for the following positions: President, Vice-President, Secretary, Treasurer, Athletic Director, & Marketing Director. Meetings are held monthly (first Monday of the month); meeting times are announced the Sunday bulletin. The Athletic Director appoints volunteers for one year terms for the following positions: Football, Boys Baseball, Girls Softball, Volleyball, Boys Basketball, Girls Basketball, Track and Spirit Squad Co-coordinators.
Any member of the parish can become a member of the Boosters. To be considered for a coaching position, candidate(s) must be an active member of the parish community, file a written coach’s application and meet all the standards of the Archdiocesan Decree on Child Protection.
Fund-raising: The fund raising committee is responsible for the generation of revenue required to provide optimal programs and facilities for our parish student-athleties. Please call the president if you are interested in serving on this committee.